Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Learning Journal # 19


This time the work that we had to do was a poster about a topic of the book, «LINKS» . My group (me, Joana, João, Rodrigo and Tiago) worked about our multicultural world. We tried to do a good presentation that showed that in the classes we were organised and always focused in the final work. In our topic, Multicultural world, we had a lot to work with. In the final, I think that we had worked very very well in the classes, so I also think that our presentation was very good too. The presentation, in my opinion, showed that we were a organised group and also that we cooperate very well, together.

Our presentation had 2 big questions: «What comes to your mind when you listen the world culture?» and «And what about discrimination and racism. Did you thought about it when we talk of cultures?»

So, as you can see we matched a lot the theme «Culture and Multicultural world» with discrimination and racism because it's a trouble that in 2010 should be overpast and in our presentation we tried to show a lot that we have to respect each others if we want to be respected. We also talked about  the different foods, clothes and languages of the world, in other words, other different things that distinguish the many different cultures of the world.

In the final, for me, we did a very good job with our presentation and with our work in the class , so this work for me was well done.